Product Overview: 8190S
The 8190S is a customizable voice paging and alerting solution for classrooms of any size.

IP Paging Systems for Schools
For most education environments, public address and emergency notification systems are critical infrastructure for both daily operations and emergency situations. Educational institutions commonly require an open standard network-based technology for building and campus communications to integrate with other core communication systems.
Installing the right IP speakers, IP paging adapters, and IP visual alerters (strobe lights) is a crucial part of a school PA system. From anywhere within the school, such as hallways, classrooms, or gymnasiums, the building occupants need to be able to receive information quickly, clearly, and effectively.
Within the classroom, many education IT departments deploy speakers, clocks, visual alerting devices, and two-way communication tools. These devices must all be managed to ensure functionality and interoperability with all communication systems. Algo has manufactured many devices that can support the education vertical, however, to further simplify the system infrastructure, Algo has developed an all-in-one solution, the Algo 8190S Speaker, Clock, Visual Alerter, which integrates all of these critical communication tools into one simple device.

Algo’s 8190S for IP Paging in Education
Algo’s 8190S IP Speaker – Clock – Visual Alerter is a four-in-one solution for IP paging in schools and all education institutes. This device is a single wall mount unit used to communicate voice paging, emergency notifications, and safety and security alerting, as well as play music within a classroom setting. As a self-amplified device and with multicast functionality, Algo’s 8190S meets the communication needs of any sized classroom.
The IP Speaker Function
Designed in a line array, the four speakers in the 8190S provide asymmetric sound dispersion which helps to evenly distribute sound within a classroom. This allows for even the students sitting furthest away from the device to enjoy an equal listening experience. As the speakers support wideband audio (G.722 voice codec), announcements are delivered with optimal speech intelligibility to ensure teachers can hear and understand important messages. Wideband audio also enables students and teachers to enjoy high tones and low tones when music is played.
The speakers also include an embedded microphone that can be used for ambient noise detection, enabling the speakers to automatically adjust the sound according to background noise. The microphone is also used for two-way talkback so educators can communicate hands-free to office admin staff.

The IP Clock Function
In a classroom, clocks are important tools to help teachers stay on track with their lesson plans and daily events, such as period changes, lunch hour, break time, or assemblies. The high visibility clock in the 8190S is a digital clock connected to network time protocol (NTP) which automatically adjusts to the local network time. This clock is equipped with high visibility LED bulbs to be easily seen in any corner of the room and is easy to read.
The IP Visual Alerter Function
Along each side of the 8190S is a strip of visual alerters (strobe lights) used to bring visual awareness during emergency alerting. In a classroom setting, they can be used to alert teachers of emergency events that may be taking place in the school. Four color settings and multiple flash patterns can be configured to indicate specific events. These can be customized for the specific needs of a school or district.
The Push Button Function
While it’s important for teachers to be able to easily receive notifications and alerts, it’s equally important that they be able to convey such information when assistance is needed. On top of being a speaker, clock, and visual alerter all-in-one, the 8190S also features a backlit push button that educators can press to initiate communication with the office staff. This can be particularly useful when a teacher needs to send a student to the office, when a teacher needs to momentarily step away from a classroom, or when they need to provide or receive updates.
A separate push button, such as the 1202 call button, can also be included to the system that can be installed by a teacher’s desk.

Algo IP Endpoints in Education
As an all-around communication device, the 8190S encompasses all aspects of critical mass notification and allows for receiving and initiating communication. Traditionally, speakers, clocks, and strobe lights would need to be installed and configured separately. The Algo 8190S reduces the need for additional equipment and can be configured in an intuitive web interface.
Most of Algo’s range of endpoints can be used in education facilities. Any number or combination of Algo devices, from IP visual alerters to IP speakers, can be used together to create a VoIP ecosystem. Upgrading legacy technology to a VoIP environment can also be done with Algo’s 8301 IP paging adapter. Algo’s case study, Deploying Algo in the Education Vertical, details how Algo’s IP endpoints can be deployed in the educational vertical and includes a list of products that are recommended to help enhance any IP paging environment.
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