Firmware Download For 8410 IP Display Speaker
This page provides the files necessary to upgrade your 8410 to Firmware Version 5.4

- Improves Microsoft Teams pairing code
- Adds InformaCast image display support
- Adds API command to initiate a one-way page call
- Adds InformaCast SIP configuration support
- Adds silent microphone monitoring option
- Improves audio switching with two-way Syn-Apps call
Please select the current firmware version your device is running and follow the instructions in one of the sections below:
Version 5.3 or Higher
Method 1: Upgrade Using URL Link (Internet access required)
Recommended method if your device(s) can access the Internet
- Open the web interface, go to System > Firmware. Select the ‘From URL Method’. Copy and Paste the URL below and click Upgrade.
- Firmware Upgrade (v5.4):
Note: Upgrade will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Method 2: Upgrade Using Downloaded Files
Alternate method for devices that cannot access the Internet
- First, download the files from the links below, and save to your local computer.
- Next, open the web interface, and go to “System > Firmware”. In the Upgrade section, select the .sfw file in the “Signed Firmware File” field. Click Upgrade.
- Firmware Upgrade (v5.4): algo-8410-5.4f.sfw (166 MB)
Note: Upgrade will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Past Release Notes
What’s new in Firmware Version 5.3.4:
- Microsoft Teams SIP Gateway in preview April 2023
- Add option to set a custom door unlock tone
- Allow certificate provisioning from a separate server
- Allow device certificates to be installed via provisioning
- Improvements since v5.3.2: including provisioning, InformaCast compatibility, and Microsoft Teams SIP Gateway Region.
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