IP Endpoints for Education
Algo IP endpoints are purpose-built for educational settings, seamlessly integrating into VoIP school environments to ensure effective communication among students, teachers, faculty, and staff. Algo devices operate in harmonious coordination, offering a user-friendly approach to customize communication systems within schools and college campuses.

IP Speakers for Education
Algo IP Speakers deliver high-performance audio output in education facilities, extending the reach of voice paging, emergency alerting, loud ringing, and background music throughout schools and campuses. Algo speakers are wideband-capable, ensuring audible communication is effectively heard by teachers, staff, and students.
Algo speakers can be configured as multicast senders or receivers, making it easy to assign them to zones, which can be done by classroom, grade, or area. Additionally, Algo speakers include a range of features to enhance audible communication, such as ambient noise detection, secure SIP, and two-way talkback, making it easy for teachers and staff to communicate and ensuring the safety of students.
Wall Speakers
Wall speakers are designed to attach to any wall surface and are intended to be placed where they can easily be heard and seen. The 8410 IP Display Speaker is an integrated 3-in-1 solution offering both visual and audible alerting. In a classroom, voice paging and audible announcements can be delivered while offering visual notifications on the display screen. The 8420 IP Dual-Sided Display Speaker offers the same functionality as the 8410, but double-sided, which is ideal for school hallways and corridors.

The Algo 8190 IP Speaker – Clock and 8190S IP Speaker – Clock & Visual Alerter are often chosen for classroom deployments due to their high visibility clock. Functioning on network time protocol (NTP), the clock allows professors, teachers, and students to easily monitor the time to stay on schedule. The 8190S also features strobe lights with a pair along either side of the device that can be used in tandem with voice paging to represent different alerts or events.

The Algo 8180 IP Audio Alerter is a slim speaker offering loud alerting in a compact design. In a school, it can be used in hallways, gymnasiums, or garages to provide directional audio and impressively loud alerting.

IP Paging Adapters for Education
Algo IP Paging Adapters seamlessly bridge IP communication systems to legacy paging infrastructure in education. Algo paging adapters emulate a page port like what is found on a legacy PBX or key system. This enables Algo paging adapters to connect directly to traditional analog amplifiers, offering a simple and easy interface to an IP system as an SIP extension and multicast endpoint.
In cases where schools or college facilities are transitioning to IP environments, Algo paging adapters ensure that education staff are still able to retain functionality of their analog speakers and technology while communicating in an IP environment. Where schools are using amplifiers that have zoning structures, Algo has a solution that will retain the zones, which are often arranged by grade, department, building, offices, and common areas.
Paging Adapter
The 8301 IP Paging Adapter is a PoE, SIP endpoint that integrates existing traditional paging infrastructure into a VoIP environment. In an education environment where traditional infrastructure is kept, the 8301 emulates a page port like what is found on a legacy PBX to connect directly to an analog amplifier, thereby acting as a bridge between IP and legacy voice paging infrastructure. However, in a full IP deployment, the 8301 is also often used as a multicast sender, whereby the 8301 broadcasts live or pre-recorded announcements to other Algo IP Endpoints grouped into zones.

Zone Paging Adapter
The 8373 IP Zone Paging Adapter is a PoE endpoint that is specifically designed to work with zoned amplifiers. The 8373 provides zone control in an education environment to existing legacy infrastructure. Containing a dry page output that connects a traditional zone amplifier, the 8373 eliminates the need for a legacy zone controller.
While the 8373 is commonly deployed to bridge VoIP zone paging to analog systems, it may also be used to add page zones to a single zone system. The 8373 allows legacy zoning to be retained in schools and campuses that retain legacy zoning voice paging infrastructure.

IP Displays for Education
Algo IP Displays bring a powerful integrated solution for communication systems for education institutions. The combined functionality of the LCD display screen, speaker, and flashing LEDs enable voice paging, visual or audible alerting, and informational visual content, such as scrolling text messages, visual paging, or graphic images in a school or campus. Algo displays easily keep students, teachers, and staff informed of upcoming school events, student activities, weather events, and daily announcements.
Display Speakers
Algo display speakers are a 3-in-1 solution for effective audible and visual communication. Comprising three core components – a 15.6” wide-angle LCD display screen, wideband-capable speakers, and highly noticeable LED flashers, display speakers are a multi-purpose communication tool that can be deployed in hallways, common rooms, classrooms, lecture halls and many other areas of an educational institution.
Algo IP Display Speakers come in two forms, single-sided and dual-sided. The 8410 IP Display Speaker is intended for classroom applications where it may be surface mounted against a wall. The 8420 IP Dual-Sided Display Speaker may be wall or ceiling mounted and is intended for deployments in hallways and corridors to be seen from opposite directions.
IP Visual Alerters for Education
Algo IP Visual Alerters deliver highly notable visual alerting and can be deployed in education for emergency notification in noisy environments. Equipped with high-intensity, long-life LEDs, Algo’s strobe lights easily capture the attention of teachers, staff, and students and can be used to complement voice paging and emergency alerting systems. Algo visual alerters can be mounted on a wall or ceiling and be configured to display as steady state or flashing to signal different types of events or actions. Algo has single-color and multi-color visual alerting solutions, enabling education facilities to fully customize their environments to meet the visual requirements of teachers and students.
Strobe Lights
Algo IP Visual Alerters come in two forms, single color and multi color. The Algo 8128 IP Visual Alerter is a single-color (white) strobe light used for bringing awareness to audible alerting where noise, noise sensitivity, or hearing impairment is an issue.
The Algo 8138 IP Color Visual Alerter is a four-color strobe light for enhanced visual communication. While both the single and multi-color strobe lights offer different brightness levels and flash patterns, the 8138 as a multi-color strobe offers the addition of various color patterns for flexible signaling. Algo strobe lights are multicast capable and weatherproof to scale entire buildings or enterprises for both indoor and outdoor applications.

IP Intercoms for Education
Algo IP Intercoms provide secure door entry and hands-free visitor communication for schools and campuses to ensure the safety of students and staff. Algo intercoms have door unlock control activated by a telephone key press from an IP phone or answering device, ensuring the appropriate staff members are always aware of those coming and going from the school’s premise.
Audio Intercoms
The Algo 8201 IP PoE Intercom is an IP doorphone that provides hands-free visitor communication at a secure door or gate entrance, access point, and any room within a school or campus environment. The 8201 includes an internal relay for door control. When installed at a door or gate, the 8201 can bring secure door entry via a keypad or door unlock control so admin staff can be alerted of visitors and monitor who they grant access to.

The Algo 8028 IP Doorphone (Controller + Intercom) is a PoE two-part intercom system for hands-free visitor communication. In an education environment, the 8028 acts the same as the 8201 for providing hands-free communication and door unlock control, however, as a two-part solution, it provides additional security. With a separate controller and intercom station, schools and campuses can safely install the controller inside a locked room for additional security and are provided with extra wiring that can extend up to 1,000 feet (305 meters), enabling organizations to cover a larger area for when gate applications are outside the perimeter of the building.

Video Intercoms
The Algo 8039 IP Video Mullion Intercom is a secure door entry device comprising a wide-angle video intercom and keypad. Intended for installation on an entrance framed in a mullion, the narrow footprint of the 8039 allows it to be mounted on any surface of an education facility for intercom communication at gates, doors, and any other building entry and access points. With keypad capability, teachers and students can be provided with a code for easy and quick entry into buildings and secure areas. With video functionality, admin staff, teachers, and security personnel can easily oversee those coming and going from a school or campus facility.

The Algo 8036 IP Multimedia Intercom is a video intercom that combines the functionality of an IP phone, security camera, and interactive kiosk via a touchscreen interface. The 8036 can be deployed for K-12 schools or colleges to provide campus security and ensure those with access control can enter. The intercom can be deployed for both indoor and outdoor applications where multiple people (teachers and students) require access control to enter a building, room, or lab. Along with video capability, the intercom includes an interactive interface that can display a keypad for secure door entry as well as provide helpful information, promote school events, or communication instructions for visitors to be informed.

IP Endpoint Supervision
Algo devices for IP endpoint supervision provide an intuitive platform for schools and campuses to oversee the deployment of all Algo devices on their network on a single dashboard. Whether a small school, a large campus, or a district, users can choose between Algo’s solutions to manage and monitor their Algo deployments. Algo has three solutions for device supervision and management:
- Using the web UI for individual device monitoring and configuration.
- Using the 8300 IP Controller for on-premise device supervision and management.
- Using the ADMP for cloud-based device supervision and management from any location and for large deployments.